This is a blog that is dedicated to Project 365 - a photo each day for 2010.
Monday, February 9, 2009
February 6, 2009
Today Annie, the orphan chinchilla found wandering around the basement, is a month old. She isn't very big, and Jeremy still loves her and spends quite a bit of time playing with her. I'm glad she made it :)
I'm a stay-at-home mom of three great kids, I have a terrific husband, too many animals, and I am quite obsessed with photography! So.....I have taken on this project......and surprisingly have already learned quite a lot about my camera and it's only January! So I will have 365 pictures of randomness at the end, but at least they will (I hope) be good pictures of randomness! Right now it is really making me want better equipment.
What a great picture and love that he takes such good care of her.